Scientific Reconstructions
These three-dimensional scientific reconstructions of the earliest hominids in life size provide us with a perfect overview and idea of what our earliest ancestors looked like. All reconstructions are made based on specific anthropological findings in cooperation with leading experts in the field of anthropology.
They can serve both scientific and exhibition purposes and as teaching aids for educational purposes. Six unique scientific reconstructions (Australopithecus afarensis, Australopithecus boisei, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, Homo sapiens sapiens) created on the basis of specific anthropological findings and the latest knowledge in the field of anthropology and paleoanthropology represent a comprehensive collection of developmental types and clearly show us changes in human evolution. Reconstructions are made of plaster or epoxy resin according to customer requirements.
Please send your order by email, mail to the company headquarters or by phone (see Contact).
item number
Australopithecus Afarensis
This reproduction was made based on skull reproduced at the Berkeley University, Institute of Human Origins (California, USA) according to finds made in Afar (Ethiopia) and Laetoli (Tanzania). Age of the find is between 3 – 3,5 mil. years and ranks among the oldest known bipeds. Their cranial capacity was around 400 cm3. The scientific reproduction was carried out under the expert guidance and supervision of prof. RNDr. Jan Jelínek DrSc.
plaster: 3800 CZK
epoxy: 5200 CZK
Australopithecus Boisei
This reproduction was made, based on almost a complete find, designated as KNM ER 407 from a site at Koobi Fora, Eastern Turkana, Kenya. It represents a robust hominid on the edge of the development branch, which later became extinct. This hominid lived in eastern Africa 1 – 2 million years ago. The hominid’s crane capacity was around 530 cm3. The scientific reproduction was carried out under the expert guidance and supervision of prof. RNDr. Jan Jelínek DrSc.
plaster: 3800 CZK
epoxy: 5200 CZK
Homo habilis
This reproduction of the Homo Habilis type was made based on a skull OH 24 found in the Olduvai gully in Tanzania in Eastern Africa. This is one of the earliest finds of Homo Habilis and was found by an expedition led by professor M. Leakey in 1968. The cranial capacity of this individual was around 600 cm3. Homo Habilis was the first tool-using hominid. The scientific reproduction was carried out under the expert guidance and supervision of prof. RNDr. Jan Jelínek DrSc.
plaster: 3800 CZK
epoxy: 5200 CZK
Homo Erectus
This reproduction is made based on a skull found in a dig in Choukoutien, near Beijing, China. Its age ranges between 600,000 – 200,000 years and the cranial capacity ranged between 900 – 1100 cm3. The scientific reproduction was carried out under the expert guidance and supervision of prof. RNDr. Jan Jelínek DrSc.
plaster: 3800 CZK
epoxy: 5200 CZK
Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis – Neanderthal Man
The scientific reproduction was carried out under the expert guidance and supervision of prof. RNDr. Jan Jelínek DrSc. According to the French find from La Chapelle aux Saints and shows the classical appearance of Neanderthal man, living in Western Europe 70,000 – 40,000 years ago.
plaster: 3800 CZK
epoxy: 5200 CZK
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
The basis for this reproduction was a skull found in Předmostí na Moravě, designated as Předmostí III. It belonged to a mammoth hunter, whose age dates to 25,000 years BC. Despite some archaic feature, this hominid is classified as a “modern man.” The scientific reproduction was carried out under the expert guidance and supervision of prof. RNDr. Jan Jelínek DrSc.
plaster: 3800 CZK
epoxy: 5200 CZK
Scientific reproduction of Australopithecus Afarensis – “Lucy”,
age 3.5 million years. Height 110 cm. This reproduction is based on skeletal remains found in Hadar, Ethiopia, discovered in 1974. This scientific reproduction illustrates, based on relatively large volume of skeletal finds, the size and appearance of one of the oldest hominids discovered so far. The scientific reproduction was carried out under the expert guidance and supervision of prof. RNDr. Zbynek Šmahel CSc.
Finish: epoxy resin
70000 CZK
Scientific reproduction of Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis,
age 70,000 – 40,000 years. Height: 165 cm. This represents the corporal proportions, characteristic of Neanderthals living in western and central Europe. The scientific reproduction was carried out under the expert guidance and supervision of prof. RNDr. Zbynek Šmahel CSc.
Finish: epoxy resin.
60000 CZK
Statue of a Neanderthal man making stone tools. Size: 17 cm.
Finish: Marmorit
640 CZK