
In this section we wish to introduce you to the results of our past creative endeavors, as presented and seen in numerous museum expositions and exhibitions in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Reconstruction of cave with full-size copy of Paleolithic paintings from the Niaux Cave, France. Prepared for the Slovak National Museum, Antol, Slovakia, 1994.

Rock Neolithic rock etching from Central Sahara. Work done through UNESCO for the National Libyan Museum in Tripoli, 1991.

Copy of Jewish tombstone from Jewish cemetery in Kolín (The Czech Republic). Work done for the Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin, Germany. Size 170×106×16. Finish: synthetic sandstone, synthetic marble, 1995.

Neolithic diorama life-size. Part of permanent exhibition in the Regional Museum of the Kroměříž Region, Kroměříž, CR, 1997.

Reduced model of Islamist architecture – Mihrab. Work done for exhibition „Islam and its world“, pavilion Anthropos, The Moravian Land Museum, Brno, the Czech Republic 1997.

Statue of Indian Goddess of Learning. Work done for the exhibition of “Gods and Humanity“, pavilion Anthropos, The Moravian Land Museum, Brno, CR, 1997.

Copy of poly-chromed Gothic woodcarving of the Virgin Mary statue. Work done for the Parish in Oslavany, CR, 1995.

Life-size statue of V. Priessnitz work done for the V. Priessnitz Museum in Jeseník Spa, CR, 1999.

Copy of poly-chromed tombstone of Matyáš Žalkovsky, from the church of All Saints in Dobromilice, CR. Work done for permanent exposition of the Blanensko Region, CR, 2001. Finish: synthetic marble.

Cast copy of skeletal grave Dolní Věstonice III. Work done for permanent exposition in the Postojna Cave, Slovenia, 1997.

Scientific life-size recreation of a small mammoth discovery from the Magadam site in Eastern Siberia. Work done for the permanent exposition in the Anthropos Pavilion, The Moravian Land Museum, Brno, CR, 2002.

Life-size diorama Homo Habilis. Contains six Homo Habilis individuals and thee animals (hippopotamus, vulture and jackal). This is a scientific reproduction of a find in eastern Africa, by the Turkana Lake. Permanent exhibition in the Anthropos Pavilion, Moravian Land Museum, Brno, CR, 2006.

Original hunter’s trophy – Red Deer antlers from the Poněšická game park, forest enterprises Hluboká nad Vltavou, judged to be a Czech record

Copy of hunters trophy – Red Deer antlers from the Poněšické game park for the central office of Forest CZ. Finish: epoxy resin, hand-painted from the original.

Original and cast copy of anthropological find of a skull Mladeč V. Work done for permanent exhibition in the Anthropos Pavilion, The Moravian Land Museum, Brno, CR, 2006.